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Vic's Picks

2015-05-23 INFAW16 #1
2015-05-23 INFAW16 #2

Tenacious D Sasquatch
Peter Graves Bigfoot
Bigfoot on tape

Nursery Rhymes
Alby the Dragon

Old Glory Insurance

Star Trek
Khan: Cap'n Terrell
Khan: I can't
Khan: Hurting You

Mr. Sprinkles
Mr. Sprinkles #1
Video and Audio

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Victor's 2015 Winter Recital

There were some adorable kids and some great performances in the old church at Lewis & Clark Community College.

12/27/2014 4:53:57 PM

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Victor's Triathalon Kick

Victor did a triathalon - 60m swim, 4m bike, 1m run. He beat the kid trying to pass him. Victor is fast.

4/28/2014 8:29:29 AM

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5-Year-Old Conductor Erick

Erick got to go to the zoo with Mommy on his birthday. In addition to seeing a lot of animals (like a jaguar), Erick helped the conductor.

4/15/2014 4:49:30 PM

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One Breath

Victor takes one breath to get across the pool.

4/15/2014 5:04:33 PM

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This is Victor's first chorus concert. It wasn't a chore - Victor loves singing and we love to hear him. However, that is how he pronounced it.

4/15/2014 5:04:46 PM

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Victor's Third Piano Recital

Victor played three fairly difficult songs quite well. He's reaching a tipping point - exciting!

3/9/2014 7:11:49 AM

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Young Man and the Sea

Erick has always had a gift for oratory. We foresee a career in acting, law, or bs-artist.

3/5/2014 7:48:35 AM

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Victor Drumming

When fate (or Uncle Pat) steps in, you just go with it.

3/1/2014 6:32:00 AM

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V's 2nd Xmas Performance

Victor will soon also be available for weddings and bat mitzvahs.

12/3/2013 7:04:04 AM

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Big Picture Video

This is a Big E joint.

5/1/2014 8:24:48 AM

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Star Power

Victor plays the lead in a wonderful little children's production called "The Incredible Painting of Felix Clousseau".

6/28/2013 6:59:39 AM

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Erick's First Basketball Camp

Erick likes shooting.

2/9/2013 7:58:31 AM

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Erick's First School Dance

Erick is getting down!

2/7/2013 6:52:11 AM

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Victor's Second Piano Recital

As an old pro, he now no longers needs anyone sitting with him.

2/2/2013 1:10:28 PM

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V's 1st Xmas Piano Performance

What a little Christmas trooper! Victor performed in front of about 400 people.

11/26/2012 6:56:40 AM

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Victor's First Piano Recital

Victor's reaction after the first round of applause is awesome! He immediately starts watching the crowd.

11/20/2011 1:08:20 PM

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Dancing Erick

Erick danced more as a two-year-old than as a four-year-old. He's a very cute dancer.

8/18/2011 6:45:44 AM

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Loving a New Cat

Tinkerbell is playing along here nicely.

8/18/2011 7:53:37 AM

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Erick's 3rd Birthday

It's my birthday, and I can sing if I want to.

4/10/2012 6:48:30 AM

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Erick's 2 Year Montage

Selected best pictures from Erick's first two years set to music.

4/9/2011 7:46:40 PM

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Victor's First Christmas Program

Kindergarten program

12/2/2010 7:43:37 PM

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Hay Un Amiguen Mi

Big Toy Story 3 fans.

11/27/2010 7:38:27 PM

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Woo Wooing

This train is a kind of tradition at 1011 Robert.

11/23/2010 6:42:45 PM

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Mean Older Brother

Look how Erick quickly deduces that he can go get something else and leave the room.

11/21/2010 6:38:27 PM

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The Pledge?

I pledge allegiance to the flag of a number of states of America.

9/18/2010 6:25:45 PM

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Does that make E crazy?

There is an extreme cute closeup in this one. He's getting on the chair to start the music again.

9/1/2010 5:54:50 PM

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Victor's 5th B-day Bowling

What fun and what a long game :)

8/5/2010 6:47:54 PM

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Victor's 5th Birthday Song

8/5/2010 7:34:56 PM

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Rainbow Connections

Rainbows are visions, but only illusions.

10/1/2009 8:05:58 AM

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Soft Shoe

And that's the Ethiopian ... shim-sham.

3/23/2008 6:49:10 AM

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Dancing Butt

I was pessimistic at first, but that singing bunny is the best $25 ever spent.

3/23/2008 6:49:21 AM

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Jealous Cat

Sorry, Catten, you cannot win this particular contest for attention.

3/23/2008 6:49:34 AM

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Jump Around!

We have a bouncing boy!

11/4/2007 11:23:19 AM

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Run! Tiny-Zilla!

This scene will be a lot scarier once we add sound effects.

10/29/2007 6:56:59 AM

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Bridge Over River Phil

Victor is starting to enjoy suspension bridges. Apparently he's never seen Indiana Jones II.

10/28/2007 12:52:41 PM

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Enjoy the fact that you don't have to listen to this song over and over and over.

10/28/2007 12:52:28 PM

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You Can Pick Your Friends

...and you can pick your...well, you get the idea

10/28/2007 12:49:18 PM

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Our Little Renaissance Man

I'm not sure if I'm most proud of Victor's love of battle or his love of this Arthurian classic.

9/28/2007 9:09:24 PM

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Get ready for an extreeeme closeup.

9/28/2007 9:09:13 PM

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Texan Counting

Victor comes by his southern drawl honestly.

9/28/2007 9:09:01 PM

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At this point, Victor's favorite thing to recite are the scales he's learned at Music Together(TM).

9/28/2007 9:08:51 PM

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The Shadow Knows

The high tech shadow wall at the Austin Children's Museum is trippy.

9/28/2007 9:08:40 PM

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Look ma, none of your hands! Unassisted bug busting is a big step.

9/22/2007 1:37:34 PM

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Dance! Dance! And More Dancing...

Whatyougonnadowithallthoseletters? (Warning 3 minute clip).

9/22/2007 1:37:17 PM

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Wee Water Garden

No more tears; no more fears; please no more kids running around with wooden shears.

9/16/2007 8:28:31 AM

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Moon Jumping

Bwett may recognize assisted moon jumping.

9/14/2007 5:39:22 AM

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Here our intrepid explorer braves the falls of the Domain.

9/14/2007 5:39:09 AM

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Deedledees Dancing

Victor has now surpassed Daddy's dancing ability. "I've been dancing since I was two; it's just something I always wanted to do."

9/14/2007 5:38:55 AM

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Wow (Meow)

One Word: Kneebouncers.com

9/14/2007 5:38:43 AM

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Big Boy Bread Eating

This was one of the first times Victor sat a table without a booster seat. He seems to have more decorum than the ranting adults off camera.

9/14/2007 5:38:29 AM

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Mini-Man Mayhem

Some viewers may find slo-mo audio too intense, but it's the only way to catch their humming-bird like activity.

9/14/2007 5:38:17 AM

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Toe Bread

Sometimes you do some funny things to entertain yourself during long Illinois car trips.

9/14/2007 5:38:04 AM

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You Shake My Nerves

Grandmother's big, black piano is much more fun than the little red one.

9/14/2007 5:37:54 AM

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The hottest-coolest time in White Hall - Garden-Bahn!

9/14/2007 5:37:41 AM

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Our Little Carnivore

On our meat field trip to Lockhart, Victor proved his Humphrey and Pressler bloodlines.

9/14/2007 5:37:26 AM

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Bird of Prey

Victor is involved in an Icharus experiment here.

9/14/2007 5:36:38 AM

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I laugh at lions

Victor finds Daddy's imitation of a lion laughable.

3/23/2007 11:40:32 AM

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I love Yobaby

Victor naturally says "mmmmm" when drinking yobaby.

3/23/2007 11:39:20 AM

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Dancing Veeg

Victor likes to dance - must get it from mommy.

3/15/2007 8:49:45 PM

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You can pick your friends...

...but don't pick at your friends' pants.

3/15/2007 8:48:33 PM

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Dance! Dance! Dance!

Here's Victor at Shannon's house excited about the little dog's water bottle.

3/8/2007 6:41:38 AM

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I'm finally using the playset Katie gave me. Thanks Katie!

3/2/2007 7:18:35 AM

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Up! Up!

Trompy, closie, and runnie.

3/2/2007 7:17:45 AM

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Daddy's Home

And this was a day where he wasn't happy.

3/2/2007 7:15:27 AM

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Don't Eat The Word!

Ahh! Cookie Monster is out of control. Poor Prarie Dawn.

11/24/2006 8:54:14 AM

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Cookie Monster Mayhem

Cookie Monster is one of Victor's favorites because of his voice and uncontrollable passion for cookies!

11/24/2006 8:52:29 AM

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An Artsy Piece

Victor enjoys a brief portion of his favorite Classical Baby DVD.

11/24/2006 8:49:26 AM

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Doodle the Toddler

This is some of Doodle's earliest long distance walking.

11/24/2006 8:42:12 AM

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Baby boy is already doing something better than his old man can.

7/24/2006 9:46:28 PM

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When Babies Attack!

Caution: Some viewers may find this scene disturbing.

7/24/2006 9:46:03 PM

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A Tiny Tunesmith

Victor can play sensitive music in addition to rock-n-roll.

7/24/2006 9:45:48 PM

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Crawl, Roll, and Stand

He's like a giant wind up toy, but he keeps turning his own key.

7/24/2006 9:45:13 PM

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Rock-A-Bye Boy

Victor shows a range of emotion as he learns the joy of rocking.

7/24/2006 9:41:27 PM

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I like your hat.

Emotional Victor and unflappable Alex do their famous bit with a ball cap.

4/23/2006 9:44:26 AM

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Bluebonnet Boys

Victor and his buddy Alex Edwards are just hanging out in a field of bluebonnets as boys do.

4/23/2006 9:41:42 AM

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Dada. Dad!

Playing with his new Gameshow Network toy, Victor suddenly decided that it was time to make Daddy very happy.

4/19/2006 8:28:59 PM

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Rug Frog

Here we see Victor demonstrating that even though his amphibian roots are billions of years away, the instincts are still strong.

4/19/2006 8:27:14 PM

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Easter Pool

We started a new Easter tradition - playing in a tiny $7 pool.

4/19/2006 8:25:32 PM

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Slow Swing

After a dip in the pool, Victor relaxes in his swing as it slowly comes to a rest.

4/19/2006 8:12:04 PM

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T.V. Teething

Victor likes to watch T.V. and likes to work on getting his teeth to come in. You'll never guess what movie he's watching.

2/19/2006 11:32:18 AM

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I Jumperoo. Do you?

This is typical jumperoo activity for a boy who has NBA and Olympic aspirations.

2/19/2006 11:29:32 AM

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I think I'm going to call him Stampy.

2/19/2006 11:26:57 AM

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Good Eatie

Victor has proven to be a voracious and indiscriminate eater (with the exception of peas - that's my boy!).

2/19/2006 11:23:59 AM

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We get treated to a hint of a smile here and audio of Daddy's falsetto voice vainly coaxing him to do more.

2/18/2006 1:37:29 PM

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Victor's 2 Seconds

Victor and his buddy Alex were just enjoying the unseasonably warm weather in November of 2005 when they caught the eye of a roving reporter.

2/19/2006 11:19:44 AM

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2-month-old Obscene Phone Call

Don't be alarmed by these noises made by Victor at two month's of age. He has a while to work on what to say to a girl that he likes.

2/19/2006 10:59:36 AM
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